Partner with us to bring better mental wellbeing to the community

We have partnered with organizations who support the target beneficiaries of The Safe Space Foundation, which are youths & fresh grads, persons with disabilities & caregivers, and women.

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Partners For Youths & Fresh Grads


Trybe is a social service agency that empowers youth to overcome their adversities through outreach, rehabilitation, reintegration, intervention.


Pertapis’s mission is to provide a safe and compassionate environment for the holistic development for youth.


We collaborated with SIMPDF to provide mental health support for the youths at various institutions in Singapore.

Singapore Polytechnic

We collaborated with SP through SIMPDF to provide support for the students.

Nanyang Polytechnic

We collaborated with NYP through SIMPDF to provide support for the students.

Temasek Polytechnic

We collaborated with TP through SIMPDF to provide support for the students.

Partners For Persons with Disabilities & Caregivers


MINDS aims to empower persons with intellectual disabilities and their families through programmes and support.

Rainbow Centre

Rainbow Centre work with partners to create opportunities for persons with disabilities to make the most of their abilities and participate meaningfully in society.

Partners For Women

Daughters of Tomorrow (DOT)

DOT provides courses and wellness support for underprivileged women. The beneficiaries are the women from the bottom 10% socioeconomic group of Singapore.


Aidha’s mission is to help migrant domestic workers and low-income Singaporean women achieve economic independence through financial education, wealth creation and entrepreneurship.

Bring the underserved communities together

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